pub mod bpe;
pub mod unigram;
pub mod wordlevel;
pub mod wordpiece;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize, Serializer};
use crate::models::bpe::{BpeTrainer, BPE};
use crate::models::unigram::{Unigram, UnigramTrainer};
use crate::models::wordlevel::{WordLevel, WordLevelTrainer};
use crate::models::wordpiece::{WordPiece, WordPieceTrainer};
use crate::{AddedToken, Model, Result, Token, Trainer};
struct OrderedVocabIter<'a> {
vocab_r: &'a HashMap<u32, String>,
impl<'a> OrderedVocabIter<'a> {
fn new(vocab_r: &'a HashMap<u32, String>) -> Self {
Self { vocab_r }
impl<'a> Serialize for OrderedVocabIter<'a> {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> std::result::Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: Serializer,
let mut holes = vec![];
let result = if let Some(max) = self.vocab_r.iter().map(|(key, _)| key).max() {
let iter = (0..*max + 1).filter_map(|i| {
if let Some(token) = self.vocab_r.get(&i) {
Some((token, i))
} else {
} else {
serializer.collect_map(std::iter::empty::<(&str, u32)>())
if !holes.is_empty() {
warn!("The OrderedVocab you are attempting to save contains holes for indices {:?}, your vocabulary could be corrupted !", holes);
println!("The OrderedVocab you are attempting to save contains holes for indices {:?}, your vocabulary could be corrupted !", holes);
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum ModelWrapper {
impl_enum_from!(WordLevel, ModelWrapper, WordLevel);
impl_enum_from!(WordPiece, ModelWrapper, WordPiece);
impl_enum_from!(BPE, ModelWrapper, BPE);
impl_enum_from!(Unigram, ModelWrapper, Unigram);
impl Model for ModelWrapper {
type Trainer = TrainerWrapper;
fn tokenize(&self, tokens: &str) -> Result<Vec<Token>> {
match self {
Self::WordLevel(t) => t.tokenize(tokens),
Self::WordPiece(t) => t.tokenize(tokens),
Self::BPE(t) => t.tokenize(tokens),
Self::Unigram(t) => t.tokenize(tokens),
fn token_to_id(&self, token: &str) -> Option<u32> {
match self {
Self::WordLevel(t) => t.token_to_id(token),
Self::WordPiece(t) => t.token_to_id(token),
Self::BPE(t) => t.token_to_id(token),
Self::Unigram(t) => t.token_to_id(token),
fn id_to_token(&self, id: u32) -> Option<String> {
match self {
Self::WordLevel(t) => t.id_to_token(id),
Self::WordPiece(t) => t.id_to_token(id),
Self::BPE(t) => t.id_to_token(id),
Self::Unigram(t) => t.id_to_token(id),
fn get_vocab(&self) -> HashMap<String, u32> {
match self {
Self::WordLevel(t) => t.get_vocab(),
Self::WordPiece(t) => t.get_vocab(),
Self::BPE(t) => t.get_vocab(),
Self::Unigram(t) => t.get_vocab(),
fn get_vocab_size(&self) -> usize {
match self {
Self::WordLevel(t) => t.get_vocab_size(),
Self::WordPiece(t) => t.get_vocab_size(),
Self::BPE(t) => t.get_vocab_size(),
Self::Unigram(t) => t.get_vocab_size(),
fn save(&self, folder: &Path, name: Option<&str>) -> Result<Vec<PathBuf>> {
match self {
Self::WordLevel(t) =>, name),
Self::WordPiece(t) =>, name),
Self::BPE(t) =>, name),
Self::Unigram(t) =>, name),
fn get_trainer(&self) -> Self::Trainer {
match self {
Self::WordLevel(t) => t.get_trainer().into(),
Self::WordPiece(t) => t.get_trainer().into(),
Self::BPE(t) => t.get_trainer().into(),
Self::Unigram(t) => t.get_trainer().into(),
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum TrainerWrapper {
impl Trainer for TrainerWrapper {
type Model = ModelWrapper;
fn should_show_progress(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Self::BpeTrainer(bpe) => bpe.should_show_progress(),
Self::WordPieceTrainer(wpt) => wpt.should_show_progress(),
Self::WordLevelTrainer(wpt) => wpt.should_show_progress(),
Self::UnigramTrainer(wpt) => wpt.should_show_progress(),
fn train(&self, model: &mut ModelWrapper) -> Result<Vec<AddedToken>> {
match self {
Self::BpeTrainer(t) => match model {
ModelWrapper::BPE(bpe) => t.train(bpe),
_ => Err("BpeTrainer can only train a BPE".into()),
Self::WordPieceTrainer(t) => match model {
ModelWrapper::WordPiece(wp) => t.train(wp),
_ => Err("WordPieceTrainer can only train a WordPiece".into()),
Self::WordLevelTrainer(t) => match model {
ModelWrapper::WordLevel(wl) => t.train(wl),
_ => Err("WordLevelTrainer can only train a WordLevel".into()),
Self::UnigramTrainer(t) => match model {
ModelWrapper::Unigram(u) => t.train(u),
_ => Err("UnigramTrainer can only train a Unigram".into()),
fn feed<I, S, F>(&mut self, iterator: I, process: F) -> Result<()>
I: Iterator<Item = S> + Send,
S: AsRef<str> + Send,
F: Fn(&str) -> Result<Vec<String>> + Sync,
match self {
Self::BpeTrainer(bpe) => bpe.feed(iterator, process),
Self::WordPieceTrainer(wpt) => wpt.feed(iterator, process),
Self::WordLevelTrainer(wpt) => wpt.feed(iterator, process),
Self::UnigramTrainer(wpt) => wpt.feed(iterator, process),
impl_enum_from!(BpeTrainer, TrainerWrapper, BpeTrainer);
impl_enum_from!(WordPieceTrainer, TrainerWrapper, WordPieceTrainer);
impl_enum_from!(UnigramTrainer, TrainerWrapper, UnigramTrainer);
impl_enum_from!(WordLevelTrainer, TrainerWrapper, WordLevelTrainer);
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn trainer_wrapper_train_model_wrapper() {
let trainer = TrainerWrapper::BpeTrainer(BpeTrainer::default());
let mut model = ModelWrapper::Unigram(Unigram::default());
let result = trainer.train(&mut model);
fn incomplete_ordered_vocab() {
let vocab_r: HashMap<u32, String> =
HashMap::from([(0, "Hi".to_string()), (2, "There".to_string())]);
let ordered = OrderedVocabIter::new(&vocab_r);
let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&ordered).unwrap();
assert_eq!(serialized, "{\"Hi\":0,\"There\":2}");